Your home is an investment but it’s so much more than that. A lot of time, effort, and financial resources go into making a house your home. Let us help you protect that vision.
Whether you are looking for home insurance for your primary, secondary or seasonal home, we pride ourselves in providing premier risk management solutions and securing comprehensive insurance coverage on your behalf.
Is there more to protecting your home than obtaining a home insurance quotation? That is only part of the equation. Some simple risk management actions can help to prevent losses from happening in the first place before you need to have your homeowners insurance respond. Let’s discuss these options in detail to understand what makes sense for your home.
As a value-added service, we provide ongoing education to our clients so they better understand the emerging risks and solutions available to them to make smart choices in how to avoid exposures to a potential loss.
For the average person that may not have had an in-depth review of their current insurance and risk management portfolio, you may ask yourself, “what is the difference between an HO3 or an HO5 or an HO6 insurance policy?” Insurance terminology can be confusing. We can help to walk you through the differences between home insurance and condo insurance and what the best home insurance companies may be for your specific needs. Not all insurance companies are made equal. Their contracts can be drastically different when comparing a middle market carrier to a more premium carrier.
You may pay more for a premium home insurance policy, but the contracts are stronger and will cover you for more if there were to be a claim. The claim experience can vary greatly, and this is where it makes a difference to consider the top home insurance companies instead of looking for the cheapest homeowners insurance solutions. It’s important to understand what you are giving up when you’re looking for something less than the best home insurance. You may think you’re saving a little bit over time by having a cheaper premium but if something significant happens like a house fire or a frozen burst pipe, you could experience significant out of pocket expenses at the time of claim. The quote “you get what you pay for” holds true here.
Items to consider:
Some key coverages our partner carriers offer are: