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Auto Insurance

Not every car insurance policy is created equal. You can tailor the limits on your auto insurance but the strength of an automobile insurance contract is paramount. It determines what your claims experience will be like. Having top rated auto insurance can make all the difference in protecting you and your family.

Simpson | McCrady provides diverse coverage options regardless of the type of vehicle you own. From everyday cars to classic, exotic and antique vehicles, we work to find a program that best suits our clients’ needs. Insurance for Tesla, for example, can be tricky. We can help clients navigate through auto insurance options no matter what vehicle you’re driving.

Every state is different as far as the limits of coverages that are available for your auto insurance program. We work with each client to understand what options each state provides and what makes sense for their household. We look at what car insurance quotes would be best and provide feedback and guidance. If you have vehicles registered in multiple states, that is not a problem. We have clients with multiple homes across state lines and cars registered for each home. We help to make sure everything and everyone is covered appropriately for each vehicle with comprehensive auto insurance.

Some of the unique coverages our partner carriers offer on their car insurance policies are:

  • Agreed Value Coverage
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer Parts
  • Broad Loss of Use Coverage
  • Worldwide Rental Vehicle Coverage
  • Lease Gap Coverage
  • Full Glass Coverage
  • Classic Car Insurance
  • Vintage Car Insurance

In today’s litigious world, it’s necessary to cover the “what ifs” in life and, with fast paced and significant changes happening within the healthcare, automotive, and lending industries, coverages under the auto policy are important now more than ever to contemplate and review. We work with our clients to explain the exposures that they may face on the road – behind the wheel or as a pedestrian – to explain the importance of adequate limits and coverage options on their auto insurance.

Coverages to consider on your auto insurance policies:

  • Tort options – full tort or limited tort
  • Auto Insurance Liability limits
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage and whether or not to consider stacking
  • Medical Payments
  • First Party Benefits
  • Personal Injury Protection
  • Extraordinary Benefits
  • Non-owned vehicle coverage

auto insurance

We represent the best auto insurance companies in the industry. We know that when something happens, our clients are taken care of. Our Claims Advocacy team monitors claims from the moment they come in to the point that the auto insurance company closes the claim filed to make sure things stay on track. They are a valuable advocate for our clients when they have questions or concerns.

Have any questions or want to discuss auto insurance in more detail? Let’s chat!


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