It was a beautiful day yesterday and Simpson|McCrady was happy to participate as a sponsor for the 2018 Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf’s Golf Tournament. #wpsdproud!
Congrats to Team Couch Potato for winning the corporate team fundraising award! Thank you to everyone who participated, made donations, and volunteered. Coach Murphy is happy with the results and will be taking a few weeks off to rest up. Read more by clicking here. If you’d like to keep up to date with Simpson|McCrady and
In an effort to better serve our clients during the claims handling process after an automobile accident, our team took time away from our desks to see vehicle damage examples first hand. We heard directly from the auto body shop specialists to help us better understand the complexities of newer vehicles in the marketplace.
The Simpson|McCrady employees helped to organize a raffle basket for the recent Shake Your Booties event and attendees enjoyed a wonderful night to celebrate the organization’s 125 years of service to the community. Lauren Robertshaw represented our group at the event. Read more.
Simpson|McCrady’s Private Client Services team had a lot of fun testing their artistic skills at Paint Monkey in Lawrenceville. A special thank you to the Chubb team for hosting this great event!
On June 15, 2016, Simpson | McCrady was lucky enough to have a front row seat to the Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup victory parade. It was a great opportunity to cheer on the Pens with the rest of the city and we are thankful to the Partners for allowing us to experience it!
In September, Simpson | McCrady employees were able to take in a Pittsburgh Pirates day game and lunch. The whole company walked the Roberto Clemente Bridge or rode the “T” over to the North Shore for lunch at PNC Park Atria’s prior to the game vs. the Chicago Cubs.
Simpson | McCrady participated in the 2015 Fight for Air Climb on March 28th, 2015. The team consisted of Don Balla, Stefanie Cellitti, Jackie Swallow, Jessica DeFelice, Rich DeFelice, Joe Stoll and Nicole Trombley. Together, they finished 7th overall, with Don placing 3rd and Nicole and Joe placing 4th in their age group.